19 June 2012

Names I Have Written

For various reasons I create characters for things. Some for sketches, some for role playing games, some for improv scenes. Here are some of the names I have used of late.

Senator Wickerman Fightballs
Doctor Columbia Peepshow
Timothy Switchback
Professor Honky Fingerbang (Courtesey of Donova Workun of Canada, Canada, Canada)
Nemo Anonymous
Doctor M. Bloodfart
Billiam Gloabaltradeinfrastucture
Phillip Sexcrime
Dickie Tummy
Dirk Now
Jeff Alden-Meer
Complementary Beverage
Kermit The God
Blake Awesome
Jack Permafrost
Doctor Exposition
Detective-Policeman Rockford Files
J. L. Bird
Mister Velociraptor
Shaniqua Dundee
PC Dawn Raids
MP Julie Elected and also another MP Jerry Mandering

Presented with no point or comment.