21 May 2013

Improbable Return To Bullshit


Inexplicably this thing has clocked well over 1300 pageviews in the ten months or so since I started vomiting tat into the ether.

Thanks, I don't have the faintest idea who you are, but if you liked things I wrote - great!

The Edinburgh Festival is fast approaching and I have content to create. In the past material I've "sounded out" on this thing has actually proven really useful, even if only as a basis for subsequent work; to that end (pretty sure that's a legit semicolon right there) I'm going to try to write more stuff here. In the vain hope that it'll help me generate sketch/standup/other material.

So then. Caveats.

I expect this to be a land that editing did not get around to visiting. A place composed entirely of first drafts with little in the way of editing (mainly spelling and grammar). A home for material that doesn't work yet and may never.

So, again; thanks for reading this.

I'll try to use it more. For reals. 

(Also, if you are one of an improbably large number of readers, do say hello in the comments).

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