9 February 2012

Amazing Animals - The Snake

Consider the snake, nature's shark. A predator as deadly as a gun and twice as deadly.

Perhaps the most dangerous of the vertibrates (a class of animals which know about spines) its sleek, tube-like body can be used to crush prey like meaty cakes, to inject it with poison and in extreme circumstances, one snake can even be frozen by it's peers, sharpened and then used to stab it's quarry.

Their tiny hands, invisible to the human eye, are used to fashion food parcels that are held in its ample cheeks for later consumption, thus allowing the snake to ingest a single kill over the course of an entire meal or months or something.

Able to hunt in any environment on Earth from swamp to desert, city to town, deep sea to low orbit, the snake is a powerful kill-wizard that remains undefeated in inter-species conflict. In truth, only luck has spared us the wrath of this otherwise dominant creature, how long do we have before they realise just how vulnerable our reliance on pipes has made us. Our governments have doomed us.

Quick-fire Snake Facts:

  • Every snake has a map hidden on its skin, it may be reversed or inverted somehow, but it is there.
  • Snakes are responsible for the myth of the modern Tooth-Fairy.
  • In a 2006 survey, when asked "What physical attribute would you most like to possess?" an overwhelming majority of snakes (68%) answered "A butt." A distant second was "Proper eyes" at 17%.
  • Snakes cannot see ghosts, nor can ghosts see snakes.
  • No science has yet been able to fully explain how snakes reproduce. While it is known that they come from eggs, the origins of these eggs are shrouded in mystery. Popular theory has it that an, half-lizard, evil Easter-bunny-thing leaves a snake an egg for every human tooth it harvests. Further study is needed.
  • To date, only one snake has written a book, it writes under the pen name "Stephanie Meyer".
  • No snake has sat through The Godfather Part III.
  • While snakes cannot fall in love with things like rope, the reverse is not only possible but common.
  • Over 73% of snakes believe that they are the direct descendents of dragon penises.
That's all for now, join us next time for some more looking at nature's Amazing Animals.


  1. It's a generalisation, but I've never met a snake called Tony that wasn't a tosser.

  2. Hi Mr. Foxcroft. Big fan. Truly fascinating article as always. Wow, I had no idea the extent to which our mythologies were rooted in snakes. The bits about the Tooth Fairy and even theories about the Easter Bunny are blowing my mind. Now I'm wondering if there's another side to the Biblical origins story about the serpent's actions and God's punishment. If anyone knows the answer, you do. I simply can't wait for your Amazing Animals show to start airing on Animal Planet!
